Stories for My Daughter

When I was pregnant with my daughter, who is now five, I often performed with her inside the womb. I told stories to audiences until the final week of pregnancy and performed with the company until the seventh month. She developed in her embryonic sac, infused with stories. At the time, I was working with students ages two to eighty. So she heard nursery tales to ancient folklore, rich with deep and divine meaning.

Some of My Favorite Stories to Tell From #augustbreak2013 #day3
When she was born, I comforted her that first night, telling her some of my favorite rhythm stories. She fell asleep listening, nursing, content. She knew these stories already, having heard them throughout her early development. The chanting and repetition, cradling her to sleep.

Mom and Daughter, 2013
By two and a half, I was able to tell her stories reserved for my kindergarten students. She repeated the phrases in our every day activities. She often requested stories of witches and fairies. She knows every princess story from Hans Christian Anderson, and the variations from different parts of the world.

Each year, she grows her roots farther into the rich soil of folklore. She is fully engaged, listening to tales from Old Ireland, The Americas, Italy, The Caribbean, Africa. After a long day, she still wants me to cradle her with story. We play stories, tell stories, and listen to stories throughout our day. May our relationship always be nurtured through story.


  1. Found your blog via Instagram! Love this post! Will be so interesting to see how the stories shape the way she sees things as she grows up! Sounds like a magical childhood you are making for her!


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